The church is a body with many parts.
We use our gifts and abilities to serve the local church and
the community out of love for God and one another.
Kids ministry
At Naples Naz, we want to come alongside parents as
they make disciples within their homes.
Contact Info: Marissa Foreman, Children’s Director | kids@naplesnaz.org
Sunday 10:30 am - 11:30 am
Nursery (newborn-3.5 years): In our church nursery, your little one will be cared for in a safe, fun, loving space — in the same building as our church sanctuary. Every Sunday, our nursery has two volunteer caregivers who have completed background checks and have been individually approved to serve by our church board. Our nursery is also made available for nursing mothers.
Preschool Church (potty-trained 3.5 years - Kindergarten): Our preschool class is a gentle step into kids ministry! Our preschool class is taught by a volunteer caregiver who has completed a background check and has been approved to serve by our church board. Our preschool class joins with the older children across the hall to worship through song, then returns to their classroom. Our preschool classroom has an age-appropriate Bible lesson, toys, and snacks.
Children’s Worship (1st-5th Grade): Kids are invited to join in Children’s Worship during service. In Children’s Worship, kids will worship through upbeat music, learn from God’s Word, make new friends, and enjoy playing games!
Wednesday 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
S.P.L.A.S.H. (Kindergarten-5th Grade): S.P.L.A.S.H. stands for Playing, Laughing, And Seeking Him. Join us for games, worship, and a Bible lesson every Wednesday in a fun, relaxed setting!
Summer Kids Camp: Join other kids from our Southern Nazarene Church District at Lake Placid Camp and Conference Center. Kids camp is for 1st-5th graders and is an incredible 5-day, overnight Christian camp! Check the Events page for dates and info!
This application is to be completed by all those desiring a ministry volunteer position involving the supervision of minors. The questions are part of the process to help provide a safe and secure environment for our children and teens. It is our desire to work with you to find a ministry that is fulfilling and suited to your strengths. All information is held strictly confidential. Start the process by clicking on this link.
Student ministry
Middle and high schoolers combine at Naples Naz to build friendships and, more importantly, a relationship with Jesus!
Contact Info: Pastor Chris Bell | cbell@naplesnaz.org
Sunday 10:30 am - 11:30 am
On Sunday mornings, students are invited to join their parents or sit with friends during the morning message. The teen room (education building, front room of Pastor Chris's office) is always open before or after church to hang out or play a game!
Wednesday 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Our Youth Pastor, Chris Bell, has a fun night planned each Wednesday for our students. Students enjoy foosball, air hockey, billiards, and team games in our Family Life Center before gathering for a Bible-based message.
Teen Camp: Join other Southern Nazarene Church District students at Lake Placid Camp and Conference Center. Teen Camp is for 6th-12th graders and is an incredible 5-day, overnight Christian camp! Check the Events page for dates and registration information.
life groups
We were meant to live in community!
Contact Info: office@naplesnaz.org
Life Groups meet at various times throughout the week and in various locations. Please get in touch with our church office to get connected to a life group!
food pantry
Meeting physical needs in our community.
Contact Info: office@naplesnaz.org
Non-perishable food items are collected every third Sunday from 10:00-10:30 in the Family Life Center. Naples Naz Food Pantry serves our local church and others outside the church, including a local shelter for women and children. Our team of volunteers is diligent in protecting the privacy of food pantry recipients. Please let us know if you or someone you know has a need!
International missions
Contact Info: Charmaine Gunther, NMI President | charmainemg@hotmail.com
Our Mission Council is a dedicated group of individuals with a heart to see lives touched in every corner of the world. The purpose of this group is to mobilize the church in its mission through prayer, giving, and education. Our church is involved in many mission projects in Africa, Asia-Pacific, Eurasia, Mesoamerica, South America, and the USA/Canada.
We challenge adults, children, and youth to learn about and participate in the church's mission by encouraging our people to pray for all efforts of world evangelism. We inform the church of the world’s needs and what the church is doing to meet those needs.
More ways
to Connect
& Serve
Sunday Morning A/V Team
Life Groups and Bible Studies
Food Pantry Collection | Third Sunday of the Month | Family Life Center
Church Golf League
Worship Band
for info on any activities or ministries, email office@naplesnaz.org
Need prayer?
Click the button below. Our staff and prayer team would love to pray for you.